About the author

Carlyle Coash


Healthy Digestion and Using Supplements

By Carlyle Coash

You want a healthy digestion if you want health. If you are eating three meals a day, you want two to three bowel movements a day. Some discussion of prebiotics and probiotics, and a brief discussion about the use of bitters.


Understanding the Trace Minerals We Use – BEH Podcast

By Carlyle Coash

Our recommended mineral supplements are humic minerals, or the fulvic minerals derived from these humic minerals. The source of these minerals is incredibly pure, containing a balance of the dozens of trace minerals human beings need. People read the ingredient list on the bottle, and ask, “are all these trace minerals needed, and are they safe?” Simple answer: Yes, they are essential, and they are safe. The minerals come from what was originally ancient plant material. If the vegetables in the store had an ingredient list, it would look identical to the label on the bottle of mineral supplements.


What Brand of Lutein Do We Use – BEH Podcast

By Carlyle Coash

Over the last 60 years, there is more scientific study showing the benefits of lutein in eye health than any other supplement. The study show that the dose of lutein needed to bring benefits is much higher than what is included in most eye vitamins on the market. We use lutein supplements where the source of the lutein is from the European company FloraGlo®. Lutein from FloraGlo® is more concentrated and better absorbed, so you need less, about half as much as any other brand. A bit more expensive, but you need less, so cheaper in the long run. FloraGlo® lutein also contains all the zeaxanthin’s and other carotenoids needed. It is very safe for people with Stargardt disease.


New Podcast: Role of Microcurrent Stimulation in the Better Eye Health Program

By Carlyle Coash

As part of our ongoing series of podcasts, we have a talk Dr. Miller gave at the Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine (ACIM). In it he explores the history of the Better Eye Health Program and the role of Microcurrent Stimulation (MCS) plays in the treatment. He talks about the developer of the program, Grace Halloran, and how she had success with and without the use of MCS. The talk is comprehensive and full of good information.


Results of the Application of the Method of Transcutaneous Electrostimulation of the Visual System in Ophthalmology

By Carlyle Coash

If you have a problem with your optic nerve you’ll be very interested in knowing that the therapies that we use, mostly for the treatment of retinal disease in the United States have proven very effective in treating optic nerve disease. Much of this research has, and continues to come from Russia and other parts of the former Soviet Union. This […]


Restoration of Vision After Optic Nerve Lesions with Non-Invasive Transorbital Alternating Current Stimulation: A Clinical Observational Study

By Carlyle Coash

This is from Brain Stimulation Journal published by Elsevier. It is from work done by the Polenov Russian Neurosurgical Institute in St. Petersburg Russia, as well as the Mechnikov Medical Academy Department of Neurology in St Petersburg Russia and the Institute of Medical Psychology at Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg Germany. NOTE: Click on […]


Non-Invasive Transorbital Alternating Current Stimulation Improves Subjective Visual Functioning and Vision-Related Quality Of Life in Optic Neuropathy

By Carlyle Coash

Printed in the Brain Stimulation Journal published by Elsevier. University of Magdeburg, Institute of Medical Phychology – Magdeburg Germany. As well as EBS Technologies and the Department of Neurology, Charie Campus Mitte – Berlin Germany.  NOTE: Click on the image of the article to open it in another window where you can read it online. […]

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