All posts in "Better Eye Health Podcast"

The Reality of Macular Pseudoholes

By Carlyle Coash

Macular pseudoholes; macular holes; macular fold; macular tear; epiretinal membrane. The ophthalmologists consider all of the above as very different and distinct problems, but we have come to see that they are all simply different forms of structural degeneration of the retina, and are more common than different. Also we have seen all of them improve, even heal with the basic approaches used in the full Better Eye Health Program. The eye can heal, and there is Hope for Sight!


Autoimmunity and Your Eye Disease Part Three

By Carlyle Coash

This is the third and final part of our series on autoimmune disease and eye disease. This episode offers the basics of what is needed to manage, even eliminate an autoimmune problem. All autoimmune issues come from an immune system that is over-stimulated. Too much immune stimulation and your body can start producing antibodies that damage your own tissues. The key to reversing this is to reduce the number of things challenging your immune system. Foods can cause reactions, as can toxins. So, changes in diet, and a rational approach to detoxification can have huge benefits.


Autoimmunity and Your Eye Disease Part Two

By Carlyle Coash

Part Two of the discussion on autoimmunity continues. In the work to reduce the challenges to our immune system, it is important to deal with chronic infections. For many, the challenge is centered in their gut. An unhealthy mix of microbes in the gut makes the gut unhealthy, and spills over into the body, causing inflammation and causing immune reactions. Careful attention to gut health is critical if your goal is to heal an autoimmune problem.


Autoimmunity and Your Eye Disease Part One

By Carlyle Coash

Autoimmunity is a big problem in health these days. It is not the cause of your eye challenges, but it makes it harder to heal. Dr. Miller talks about how keeping your wellness – especially in regards to toxins – can prove to play an important role in how you calm your immune system, rebuild tissue and reverse degenerative eye disease. This episode is the first of a three-part series.


Wet and Dry Macular Degeneration Are The Same Thing

By Carlyle Coash

We address the confusion some people have about wet versus dry macular degeneration. Hint: they are the same disease. All wet macular degeneration begins as dry macular degeneration. Wet (or exudative) macular degeneration is a more advanced stage of dry (non-exudative) macular degeneration. The leaking and bleeding found in wet macular degeneration are simply complications found in more advanced stages of the disease. The injections and treatments offered if you have macular degeneration treat only these complications. They do not treat the underlying disease, and they are not intended to improve vision. Link to the full Better Eye Health Program™More important is the fact that both wet and dry macular degeneration respond well to the support offered in the Better Eye Health Program™, with studies showing that people with both types can see lasting improvements in their vision. There is Hope for Sight!™


Best Way To Breathe When Doing BEH Exercises

By Carlyle Coash

The eye health exercises in the Better Eye Health Program™ are designed to increase mobility in the head, neck and upper chest. This is been shown to increase blood flow in the brain and eyes, which is important for health and healing. To release and relax tight muscles and connective tissue we encourage a process of relaxation. Pulling on tight muscles makes them tighter. We instruct you in the various exercises to breathe in and move till you gently encounter a limit caused by tight muscles. Breathe out, feeling the tight muscles relax. Stay put, breathe in again and as you breathe out, feel a bit more release and relaxation. Release comes easiest on the breath out.

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