All posts in "Nutrition"

When Do You Need Larger Lutein Doses

By Carlyle Coash

Our basic recommendation for everyone is that they take 40 mg of lutein daily if the product they are using is sourced from the FloraGlo® company in Europe. It is sourced from a different manufacturer, then we recommend 80 mg each day. Lutein helps restore the pigment layer of the retina. If someone is continuing to have problems coping with glare, bright lights at night, bright sunlight or has poor night vision, we recommend they increase their dosage to 60 mg or even 80 milligrams each day if the product has FloraGlo® lutein. If the product does not contained lutein from the FloraGlo® company we recommend the higher dose be 120 to 160 mg per day. If you have macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa or Stargardt disease, you need lutein. Take a dose that matches the dose is shown to be effective in decades of scientific research.


Healthy Digestion and Using Supplements

By Carlyle Coash

You want a healthy digestion if you want health. If you are eating three meals a day, you want two to three bowel movements a day. Some discussion of prebiotics and probiotics, and a brief discussion about the use of bitters.


Understanding the Trace Minerals We Use – BEH Podcast

By Carlyle Coash

Our recommended mineral supplements are humic minerals, or the fulvic minerals derived from these humic minerals. The source of these minerals is incredibly pure, containing a balance of the dozens of trace minerals human beings need. People read the ingredient list on the bottle, and ask, “are all these trace minerals needed, and are they safe?” Simple answer: Yes, they are essential, and they are safe. The minerals come from what was originally ancient plant material. If the vegetables in the store had an ingredient list, it would look identical to the label on the bottle of mineral supplements.


What Brand of Lutein Do We Use – BEH Podcast

By Carlyle Coash

Over the last 60 years, there is more scientific study showing the benefits of lutein in eye health than any other supplement. The study show that the dose of lutein needed to bring benefits is much higher than what is included in most eye vitamins on the market. We use lutein supplements where the source of the lutein is from the European company FloraGlo®. Lutein from FloraGlo® is more concentrated and better absorbed, so you need less, about half as much as any other brand. A bit more expensive, but you need less, so cheaper in the long run. FloraGlo® lutein also contains all the zeaxanthin’s and other carotenoids needed. It is very safe for people with Stargardt disease.


Vitamin A and Stargardt Disease

By Damon Miller

Yes, You Can Have Stargardt Disease and Still Eat Vegetables! If you have Stargardt, and you’re trying to educate yourself about this challenging eye problem, then you’ve probably come across the question of what type and how much vitamin A should someone with Stargardt use. And you’re certainly confused. I won’t promise to remove all […]


AFA Mobilizes Adult Stem Cells

By Carlyle Coash

Article from Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, which is the Official Journal of CRT (Cardiovascular Revascularization Therapy).  ​NOTE: Click on the image of the article to open it in another window where you can read it online. Some files may not be available for download for copyright reasons.


Eye Supplements and Nutritional Protocol

By Carlyle Coash

This is the basic Supplement Protocol for the Better Eye Health Program. It is designed to support eye health and cultivate strong adult stem cells. This is key for eye repair to occur.  ​NOTE: Click on the image of the article to open it in another window where you can read it online. Some files […]

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