All posts in " BEH Supplement Protocol "

Supplement Descriptions for the Better Eye Health Basic Supplement Protocol

By Damon Miller

​Basic Supplement Protocol for ARMD, RP and Stargardt Disease​Supplements alone will not restore your vision, but an optimal supplement program is essential if you hope to restore vision when taken while doing the other therapies used in the full Better Eye Health Program. ​Buy the Basic Supplement Prototol Here ​Lutein, Sourced from Flora-Glo ​Lutein serves to […]


Can Taurine Cause Insomnia

By Carlyle Coash

Taurine is an amino acid critical for rebuilding cells in the retina. It is often used to support healthy sleep. If you feel that taurine is affecting your sleep, please consult with your practitioner, as it is more likely that there is another explanation to be found.


Do We Need More DHA?

By Carlyle Coash

Everyone needs DHA, and most of us need more than we are getting. DHA is one of the essential fatty acids, meaning human beings need to eat it, since they cannot make it. DHA is an omega-3 essential fatty acid with a carbon chain containing 20 carbon atoms. (The “docosa” in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is the Greek word for 20.) We get DHA directly from eating algae, or from eating things that exist in the food chain that begins with algae, like krill and fish. Most of the omega-3 essential fatty acids in our diet come from plant sources, and these have a carbon skeleton with 16 or 18 carbon atoms, i.e. linolenic acid. Human beings can convert smaller chain omega-3 fatty acids to the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids like DHA, but for every milligram of DHA we make in this internal conversion process, we need to eat 1000 mg of a shorter chain essential fatty acid. One quarter of the weight of our retina and brain is DHA! If you are trying to regenerate damaged tissues in your eyes, eat more DHA regularly.


Using the Better Eye Health Protocol: Taurine – BEH Podcast

By Carlyle Coash

Taurine is an amino acid the body uses to build proteins and enzymes. The highest concentrations of taurine in human beings are found in the eye and the heart. Animal proteins are the best foods to eat to find taurine. Taurine is classified as a “conditionally essential” amino acid, meaning the human body can make some from other amino acids. But if you need to heal and regenerate cells in your eye (or heart) you need to take in extra taurine in your food and supplements. If you are vegetarian, please take extra taurine. Hemp seed has good amounts of taurine. We discuss our recommendations for taurine supplements derived from plant sources.In this episode the topic is the product Taurine by Thorne Research. Taurine is an essential amino acid that we don’t always receive through our food or other nutrition intake. We need it but our body does not produce it naturally. Having a good strong source of it helps, once again, to make sure your body has all it needs to the job of healing and repair. It needs all the building materials otherwise it will make a very poor house. Dr. Miller explores in detail this important supplement and how to absorb it most effectively in your routine. 


Using the Better Eye Health Protocol: Minerals – BEH Podcast

By Carlyle Coash

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is a long-chain omega-3 essential fatty acid. The word “essential” in human nutrition means you need to eat it, since you cannot make it. The cells of the brain and retina are 50% fatty acids by weight, and half of that is DHA. Half! This means one quarter of your brain and retina by weight is DHA. You can see where we are going with this. If your intention is to heal and regenerate damaged tissues in your retina, a critical raw material your body will need to grow new cells is DHA. You need DHA. We discussed the minimum daily dose studies recommend, and some good sources.In this episode the topic is the product Vitality Boost HA, as well as other mineral supplements. We often lack in essential minerals and even if we eat mineral rich foods it often is not enough to keep our levels up. Dr. Miller goes into some depth regarding the types of minerals we need and how to build a working knowledge of where to find what you need.  


Using the Better Eye Health Protocol: Liquid Vitamins

By Carlyle Coash

Since the 1950s, ophthalmologists have done the following: (1.) When they make a new diagnosis of macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa or Stargardt disease, they tell the person that they are very sorry, but they have nothing to offer, and their vision will continue to deteriorate. (2.) Before the person leaves the doctors office, they are given a bottle of eye vitamins and told, “Here, take these, they may slow down your vision loss.” The AREDS study (age-related eye disease study) was funded by a vitamin manufacturer to allow them to advertise their vitamins as a support for people with macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt disease and other serious eye problems. You need vitamins, and you can do SO much better than the products marketed as AREDS vitamins. We describe the colloidal vitamins we recommend, and why we like them.
In this episode the topic is the product Ortho Liquid Multi by Protocol. As with minerals, vitamins are often lacking in our daily diet to the levels that help us heal and stay balanced. Making sure you have a well balanced multi-vitamin, especially one that is liquid for better absorption, is another key to helping your eyes and body become stronger.


Using the Better Eye Health Protocol: Super DHA – BEH Podcast

By Carlyle Coash

Supplements are an important part of the Better Eye Health Program™. (Necessary, but not sufficient) Minerals are best taken away from foods and other vitamins. We use mineral supplements that are very soluble and very well absorbed, even if your gut is less than 100% healthy. Minerals like this are very reactive, forming insoluble complexes with the fats in foods and the various fat-soluble vitamins. We discuss why combination vitamin-mineral products do not serve you. Also, we discussed the difference between humic and fulvic minerals, and the difference between our need for minerals as supplements, and the need for a healthy level of minerals in all the water we drink. You need minerals!In this episode the topic is the product Carlson Super DHA. Having high quality oils, especially Omega-3 oils, is crucial for the functioning of so many systems in the body. It supports health and healing, and yet sadly we often are lacking enough of this important substance. It is usually the case that we have more Omega-6 and 9 in our diet, which does not provide the complete package. Also important is to make sure the oils you do eat come from a clean source. The Carlson brand has long strived to make sure their oil is the best. 


Understanding the Trace Minerals We Use – BEH Podcast

By Carlyle Coash

Our recommended mineral supplements are humic minerals, or the fulvic minerals derived from these humic minerals. The source of these minerals is incredibly pure, containing a balance of the dozens of trace minerals human beings need. People read the ingredient list on the bottle, and ask, “are all these trace minerals needed, and are they safe?” Simple answer: Yes, they are essential, and they are safe. The minerals come from what was originally ancient plant material. If the vegetables in the store had an ingredient list, it would look identical to the label on the bottle of mineral supplements.


What Brand of Lutein Do We Use – BEH Podcast

By Carlyle Coash

Over the last 60 years, there is more scientific study showing the benefits of lutein in eye health than any other supplement. The study show that the dose of lutein needed to bring benefits is much higher than what is included in most eye vitamins on the market. We use lutein supplements where the source of the lutein is from the European company FloraGlo®. Lutein from FloraGlo® is more concentrated and better absorbed, so you need less, about half as much as any other brand. A bit more expensive, but you need less, so cheaper in the long run. FloraGlo® lutein also contains all the zeaxanthin’s and other carotenoids needed. It is very safe for people with Stargardt disease.