Search Results for Grace Halloran

Grace Halloran’s Work

Our work at Better Eye Health would not exist if Grace Halloran, PhD had given up. When her eye doctor told her 40 plus years ago there was nothing she could do for her and her families eye disease, she could have simply agreed. She could have listened and figured all she could do was wait for blindness to set in. She could have. 

Thankfully she took the opposite path. She stepped forward and faced the negative view of her situation, making the world pay attention to the fact that something “could” be done. She worked hard to engage as many practitioners as she could find, from modalities found all over the world. The end result was a robust, dynamic program that has helped thousands regain sight and their lives back. She inspired other practitioners to follow suit and learn from her experience and wisdom. Although she died all too soon, she left a legacy that lives on. 

Below you will find examples of her work and things that she explored in her never ending search for the best therapies and practices to benefit others. We feel honored to be a part of that process, and will continue to follow in her fearless and insightful ways. 

Some articles about Grace Halloran’s work can be found below. (Click on “Read More” to see the article.)

Alternative Medicine Article: Saving Sight by Grace Halloran, PhD

Alternative Medicine Magazine featured a couple of articles on Grace Halloran, PhD and her pioneering work with reversing eye disease. If you need some hope that there is hope for diseases like macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa and Stargardt disease then read these articles.
Alternative Medicine Magazine was not a peer-reviewed journal, but its owner and editor, Burton Goldberg was a master at identifying the most promising and useful integrative therapies when they appeared. Living in Northern California, he was surrounded by people pushing the boundaries of what was possible in medicine, and he saw the positive results first hand. He only
reported on things that he could personally verify, and his was the premier publication on Alternative Medicine when it was in print.

NOTE: Click on the image of the article to open it in another window where you can read it online. Some files may not be available for download for copyright reasons. 

Amazing Grace: Autobiography of a Survivor

​There is Hope for Sight!

We Want You to Read this Book.

​Do you need inspiration to begin the program that has restored sight for thousands of people with Retinitis Pigmentosa, Macular Degeneration and Stargardt disease?
Then read this inspiring story about the woman who started it all.

​The story of Grace Halloran, Ph.D., creator of the first clinically tested treatment for serious eye disorders, her struggle with retinitis pigmentosa, and her extraordinary spirit.
Here are what some people had to say about the book:
"All memorable biographies embody a struggle of the human spirit. Amazing Grace is no exception. Against pain, tragedy, and darkness, [Grace Halloran's] extraordinary spirit struggled and prevailed. Her life is a vivid testament to the old adage that the only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how we use them. At first, she had hoped only to find help for herself and her young son.... Along the way, she helped countless others -  myself included."
                           Willie L. Brown, Jr.  Speaker of the California Assembly

If You Do Nothing, What Are The Risks of Bleeding?


Tens of millions of people with degenerative retinal diseases like macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa and Stargardt disease hold the same story. When they were first diagnosed their doctor told them that there was nothing that could be done to stop the vision loss or restore lost vision. Maybe they were given some samples of eye vitamins, but nothing else. There is more you can do. Much more. Your doctor has no drug or surgery to offer, but there are proven therapies you can start now that can stop the progression of the disease, even restore lost vision. If you take your doctor's advice and just do nothing? The natural history of these diseases is well understood, and it always involves things getting worse over time. Need a dose of hope? Read Grace Halloran, PhD's autobiography "Amazing Grace: Portrait Of A Survivor" To learn more about the program she developed, go to this link. To order a copy of her autobiography for just the cost of postage, go here.

As always you will find the link to the Podcast, as well as the full transcript. You can also download a PDF of the transcript down at the bottom the page. Enjoy! 

If You Do Nothing, What Are The Risks of Bleeding?


New Podcast: Role of Microcurrent Stimulation in the Better Eye Health Program


As part of our ongoing series of podcasts, we have a talk Dr. Miller gave at the Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine (ACIM). In it he explores the history of the Better Eye Health Program and the role of Microcurrent Stimulation (MCS) plays in the treatment. He talks about the developer of the program, Grace Halloran, and how she had success with and without the use of MCS. The talk is comprehensive and full of good information.

Here is the Video version of the talk - with audio and images.   Hope For Sight.

Here are Some Powerful Tools to Regenerate Your Vision

BEH Podcast 54 - 8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 6 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.

Regeneration Happens

In this podcast, we are going to jump in with both feet and talk about a subject that is at the core of our work in the Better Eye Health program. There are powerful tools that support regeneration, and it is important to understand the notion of how you can help your eyes if you do have a serious retinal challenge, like macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt’s disease, etc.
I am not some magic sorcerer that has a way to take cells that are damaged and replace or repair them. I do know the body knows how to do this; your body can help you heal your eyes. I cannot heal your eyes, but I can help your body have the tools and resources it needs. We make sure everything that needs to be working is working, so your body can heal your eyes.

8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 6 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.


You Need More Than What Your Eye Doctor is Offering

BEH PODCAST EPISODE 50 - 8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 2 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.

Clear Vision On Eye Chart

Welcome to the Organic MD podcast with Dr. Damon Miller. I am Carlyle Coash. We are continuing our discussion about health, wellness, and the things we can do to improve all of these in ourselves.

We are going to be talking about what we can do to maintain your health. If there was ever a time to be attending to it, that time is now. Today we will begin talking about our Better Eye Health Program, which will be a total of eight podcasts. We work with people who have serious eye or retinal diseases, like macular degeneration, Stargardt’s disease, and retinitis pigmentosa. Our program has shown to be highly effective for helping people with these diseases.

Continue reading

Free Book Download

You Want Your Vision Back.
Read the Free Article, Then Call Us So We Can Help You.  Expect Sight™. 

Macular Degeneration ​steals your sight and your freedom, but you can regain vision lost to this disease. These techniques have helped thousands of others over the past 40 years. You do not need to travel. This program works, but only if you do it. Call us to get the information you need to make the decision to get started. Expect Sight™!


There are things you can do today to begin to heal your eyes and recover vision.
Please Read the free article that explains this program and how you can get Started.

​Don't wait till you lose your Driver's License!  Call us ​to get all of your questions answered, and to find out how you can get started, today. 

  • ​No need to ​travel. We help you get the few pieces of equipment you need, we teach you how to do the therapies, and we support you to help insure your success.
  • Why supplements alone can never restore your vision. The proof of this has been known for over 50 years.
  • ​How to get the benefits that Oriental Medicine can offer to eye health without paying thousands of acupuncture treatments.
  • ​Thousands have been helped, and it will help you, but only if you do it.
  • ​Call us to get all of your questions answered, and to find out how you can get started, today.
  • ​Would you do better working with us in person? Come work one-on-one with Dr. Miller or come to one of our group workshops. We quickly get you started with all of the pieces of the program. Call us.

Graduate Statements

Dolli, Retired RN, CA

"1 am a trained health care professional, and was diagnosed with macular degeneration recently. After attending the 3-day intensive seminar with Damon Miller, M.D. and Grace Halloran, Ph.D., I have been able to improve my sight. The course was one of the most educational and inspirational and helpful programs I have ever attended. I highly recommend this program to anyone facing visual loss from a serious eye disorder."

Pete, CA

"This is a great day and thanks to you Dr. Miller. On Wednesday I received my driver license back. The clerk was very interested seeing that three years ago I could not pass either of the two test they gave me...Just think 5 years ago they told me to go home and go blind (from macular degeneration) and three years ago I lost the driver license because I could not pass the eye test. Now today I can read and drive again."

Rudy, CA

"l have been utilizing Grace Halloran's program for over 5 years, and have gone from functionally blind to reading the newspaper, and riding my bike... This is the only hope and help I have ever had for my long standing fight with Retinitis Pigmentosa."

Josh's Mom, Ohio

"My son was 7 when we first began the training and therapy program offered in the 3-day seminar that Grace Halloran put together. He was diagnosed with Cone-Rod Dystrophy and was unable to see colors or draw within the lines of coloring books.
He now plays little league baseball and is doing very well."

Bill G., TX

"As a former Navy Seal, I was shocked when the doctor tole me that I had Macular
Degeneration and that there was nothing to do about it. When I learned of the
Integrated Visual Healing self-help therapy, I thought, why not, I'll give it a try. After 2 years I have improved and stabilized my visual acuity, and am very pleased with the program."

Roman, Toronto, Canada

"My vision was failing fast. I am 40 and was diagnosed with juvenile macular degeneration or Stargardt Disease. I have been using the Integrated Visual Healing program since last fall of 2000, and my last doctor's visit showed that my central sight went from 20/70 to 20/40. I am thrilled with this program and follow it to the letter."

Jean, WI

"I have had the complication of glaucoma and macular degeneration. I am so very grateful to Grace and the program she has developed. I know that I have better health overall, and am grateful for the sight I still have."


* About Testimonials

Testimonials reflect individual results and results do vary. Studies, testimonials, examples, and illustrations cannot guarantee that the user will achieve similar results. In fact, your results may vary significantly and factors such as your location, personal effort and many other circumstances may and will cause results to vary. To read more about testimonials, Click Here

Six Bonus Items With Book Stem Cells Heal Your Eyes

​THANK YOU for getting the book!
You should be on this page because you accepted our offer for a free copy of the book Stem Cells Heal Your Eyes - The Safe Injection Free Way to Support Your Adult Stem Cells So You Can Heal Your Eyes Today 
(​CLICK HERE to get this book for free, you pay only for the postage, if you do not already have it.)

We Promised You Six Bonus Items With the Book

3 of the Bonus items are sent with the book, and include:

  1. An audio interview with Grace Halloran, Ph.D on a CD
  2. A reprint of an article from Alternative Medicine Magazine discussing the program of eye treatments developed by Grace.
  3. A coupon for a discount on a one month package of our recommended supplements to treat and prevent eye diseases like Macular Degeneration, RP and Stargardt Disease. You can See the Supplements by Clicking Here.

The final three Bonus items are found by visiting the links below:

  1. A transcript of the interview with Damon Miller, MD and Grace Halloran, Ph.D on the Today Show in New York.  CLICK HERE to go to the transcript
  2. An article describing in detail each of the seven items included in the Basic Protocol of Supplements prescribed for those who want to reverse or prevent serious eye disease. CLICK HERE to find the links to the ​description of the Basic Protocol of Supplements​     You can also browse all of the posts on the supplements to find podcasts describing each of the supplements in detail. CLICK HERE to browse the posts on Supplements​​​
  3. A downloadable document with three of the AcuEye Exercises that are a part of the Better Eye Health Program. (You can start these today!)  CLICK HERE to download the Exercises.

Retinitis Pigmentosa 2

​Retinitis Pigmentosa--Hope for Sight!

  • Call Us
  • ​Treatment Options
  • ​Genetics

Please Call Us Today for
a Free ​Evaluation to learn if our program is
right for you

​(888) 838-3937  or  (650) 780-9900
​We look forward to talking with you.  ​
​There is Hope for Sight!

Testimonials reflect individual results and results do vary. Studies, testimonials, examples, and illustrations cannot guarantee that the user will achieve similar results. In fact, your results may vary significantly and factors such as your location, personal effort and many other circumstances may and will cause results to vary. To read more about testimonials, Click Here